Wednesday 17 January, 2007


Sitting alone at nite preparing for an exam … all of a sudden I feel the chill of being lonely … I try to convince myself that human civilization is just hours away to be seen at its full glory…but deep down within i know that I am alone and there is nothing that I can do to change that. All the sweet memories of past flashing like images before my eyes, swarming my mind with happiness that bring dizziness at mind and uncontrollable joy at heart. Reliving those moments and wanting to go back to those days of fun and frolic I close my eyes trying to bring my rising frenzy into control.

All I can do right now is to live a parallel life , a life which takes me back in time to the day of the event that is causing all the emotional turmoil in heart and mind …those memories bring joy that’s hard to get away with.. Nothing, I mean nothing can wake me from this trance other than the shook of realisation that I have a test at hands and pages to study….i already know that its going to be a long lonely nite with hours to go before I sleep.